Contact Yamaha Electric Piano

Contact us

About Products

We will be happy to answer any of your questions before purchasing, as well as provide support and repair services after purchase. Please select the product you want, then complete and submit the form

Product Purchase Request

Use this form for product information you want. Our authorized dealers will answer your questions regarding price, stock, location and product details upon your request.

About Service

We welcome inquiries regarding after-sales service of Yamaha Products. Please complete and submit the form provided.

About Product Security Vulnerabilities

For security research purposes: if you find a security vulnerability in our product, please report it via the form provided below.

About Account Registration

We are happy to answer your questions about Account Registration. Please complete and submit the form you have filled out.

About Privacy Policy

If you have any questions regarding the Privacy Policy, please use this form to contact us:

About Yamaha

For information about the company, CSR (Environmental / social activities), information for investors, etc., please use this form to contact us

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